Manan's notes

Conversing tips

  • Don't interrupt during real-life conversations; it's considered rude and can disrupt the flow of conversation.
  • Accept the reaction you get from others without trying to force them to respond a certain way, as it can be exhausting for them.
  • Tell the shortest version of your story, leaving out unnecessary details, to let the other person lead the conversation with their interests.
  • Ask questions to deepen conversations and show interest in the other person's experiences and thoughts.
  • Let people know when they've taught you something or changed your mind; it's affirming and encourages positive dialogue.
  • Disagree in a positive and constructive manner, and be open to conceding points to keep the conversation engaging.
  • Avoid getting single-word responses by ensuring the conversation is interesting and not dominated by one person.
  • Share personal stories and vulnerabilities to create real depth in conversations, and encourage others to do the same by asking them questions.